Heather’s collaborative review paper on confined nanofluidic transport with the CENT EFRC (PI: Strano) has been accepted in Chemical Reviews! Check it out here!
Heather joins the Department of Chemistry at MIT as an affiliate faculty in addition to her appointment in Chemical Engineering! Read more here!
Ilia’s collaborative paper with the MONET Center (Johnson, Kalow, Moore, and Sottos labs) on silyl ether exchange in polymers has been accepted in JACS! Check it out here!
Yeongsu’s paper on extending DFT-based multireference diagnostics to the solid state has been accepted in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation! Check it out here!
Chenru’s paper on discovery of method-insensitive light-harvesting complexes has been accepted in JACS Au! Check out the preprint here!
Yeongsu’s collaborative paper with the Tisdale lab on electronic properties of 2D silver phenylchalcogenolates has been accepted in ACS Nano! Check it out here!