Congratulations to our latest Kulik group graduate, Dr. Vyshnavi Vennelakanti! Vyshnavi will be pursuing postdoctoral research with Emily Carter at Princeton. Good luck Vyshnavi!
Congratulations to recent PhD graduate Chenru Duan on the acceptance of his paper on the use of diffusion models to predict transition state geometries to Nature Computational Science! Check it out here!
Welcome to Remi Akindele, a PhD student in Biological Engineering at MIT, as the newest member of the group!
Congratulations to former UROP Freya Edholm (MIT ChemE SB ‘23) on the publication of her first-author work expanding the capabiliteis of molSimplify to work with metalloproteins! Check out the paper in the Journal of Computational Chemistry!
Congratulations to former postdoc Isuru on the publication of his work on the electronic structure of HfCO and benchmarking DFT functionals for this interaction! Check out the paper in PCCP!
Prof. Kulik has been awarded a Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship by the Insitute for Advanced Study at Technische Universität München (IAS-TUM)! As part of the fellowship, Prof. Kulik will jointly supervise a PhD student at TUM as part of the focus group Systematically Improvable Modeling of Electrochemical Processes with Prof. Christopher Stein and Prof. Jennifer Rupp.
Welcome to Hannes Kneiding, who joins us a visiting PhD student from the University of Oslo. Welcome Hannes!