Clorice Reinhardt

Clorice Reinhardt

Postdoctoral Fellow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Clorice joined the group as a postdoctoral associate in July 2022. She received her PhD from Yale University in the United States with Prof. Hammes-Schiffer. In her PhD work, she used molecular mechanical and quantum mechanical approaches to study proton-coupled electron transfer reactions of redox active amino acids such as tyrosine. In the Kulik group, she is working on characterizing the role of protein electrostatics on modulating properties of metallocofactors. In 2023 she became an Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Sciences.

  • enzyme catalysis
  • automating workflows
  • biochemistry
  • PhD in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, 2022

    Yale University

  • BS in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, 2017

    University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


  1. No Bridge between Us: EXAFS and Computations Confirm Two Distant Iron Ions Comprise the Active Site of Alkane Monooxygenase (AlkB) (2025)
  2. Alkane Monooxygenase (AlkB) is an Alkyl Fluoride Dehalogenase (2024)
  3. Computational Screening of Putative Catalyst Transition Metal Complexes as Guests in a Ga₄L₆⁻¹² Nanocage (2024)
  4. Dynamic Charge Distribution as a Key Driver of Catalytic Reactivity in an Artificial Metalloenzyme (2024)
  5. Protein3D: Enabling analysis and extraction of metal-containing sites from the Protein Data Bank with molSimplify (2024)